Dr. Alvarado Leads a Two-Day Workshop to Enhance Research Skills for CSU-Solana and CSU-Piat Faculty
Published May 22, 2024 by Office of the Campus Executive Officer

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Dr. Alvarado Leads a Two-Day Workshop to Enhance Research Skills for CSU-Solana and CSU-Piat Faculty

Faculty members from CSU-Solana and CSU-Piat participated in an intensive research mentorship workshop led by Dr. Urdujah Gaerlan Alvarado, former President of CSU. Held on May 21-22, 2024, the workshop aimed to boost research capabilities and facilitate effective proposal development among attendees.

The first day of the workshop kicked off with Dr. Alvarado delivering a comprehensive session on research action planning. She introduced a detailed action plan template that guided participants in outlining their research topics. The afternoon saw faculty teams presenting their research proposals, including their rationale, objectives, methodology, and action plans.

On the second day, participants continued to refine their proposals using the template provided by Dr. Alvarado. This session focused on conceptualizing the direction of their research and finalizing proposal formats. Attendees also outlined budgetary requirements and activity plans for their projects.

The two-day event proved to be highly productive, with participants actively engaging and applying the knowledge gained from Dr. Alvarado’s expert guidance. The workshop received positive feedback from Dr. Ma. Haidee A. Mabborang and Dr. Hitler Dangatan, CEOs of CSU-Solana and CSU-Piat respectively, who expressed their gratitude and anticipation for future similar events.

Dr. Alvarado’s workshop provided a valuable opportunity for faculty members to enhance their research skills and strengthen their proposals, marking a significant step forward in the academic development of both campuses.